Kyle Espeleta
This is a writer.. Im going to do something completely
immature.. Im setting up a Facebook column for myself dealing
with his likeness blocking me on twitter hoping to link up
with some others who got the same treatment. When is it ever
heard that a celebrity turns you down to know how to hire
them. Commission them. Or spread the word of how classy they
are.Im learning to be these people in my brain.. This urks
me.Anyone who knows what I went through How people found a
way to transmit illegal porn over a digital medium into my
visual cortex and make crap happen in my brain chooses to
violate me.. Makes me unable to recover and unable to press
charges against the people who did this to me.
They voluntarily side with people who wanted to write
software in a persons head and robot them into doing deeds
like kill political appointees and if refused be threatened
with worse..
The Likes of Jery Sanduski was used to do this
and I caught the people attempting to write more commands
into myself. Anyone who writes against me bares watching.
I Use the M word very heavily here.
I unraveled a few spy rings in my ordeal who were using
this method and exploited a voice to skull prank phone call
like system hurting peoples brains and covertly writing
this crap in their memories.
Their public suddenly shuns you? Your not as good as all
the other people?
What a whacked out thing to do and isolation from people
other than myself who are just dandy reading of his exploits
and never being treated like I was. Well watch out Kyle.
Im about to in my own little mind going to destroy you.
Professionally publicly. And if these guys get to you..
Anger stems from disappointment remember that. I am the
check writer for check-sums that pay me rent money to buy the
right to use rage that comes close to how I feel.
Other famous people in his rankings will join later but for
right now Im going to make him the focus of my anger and
make a sort of yelp to figure this thing out.
If people wanted private twitters they can afford them.
They shouldn't be able to just harass you for being you on a
public forum.. Everyone is due a warning anyway. Heck if you
realy wanted a scandal im sure there are shaming software's
that can humiliate likely people who you think deserve to
step outside the boundaries of what the rest of us freedom
loving fans get to do. No You Kyle side with the enemy of
whats good.. Of what keeps Americas kids safe from being
used as targets .. Of what makes people able to exploit
public officials lives. And hurt people who try to warn the
world about them.
Are you due a warning Kyle? Can you Imagine my breath right
now Kyle.. Breathing hoarsely because of an itch that was
placed in there through neural programming that also wanted
it to bea G spot to satisfy clients had I turned out to be a
halfway decent looking transsexual woman?
Kyle dont feel bad feel lucky.. You get to change.
Other people wouldn't have given you the chance to be better.
Is this going to ruin your career?
If im right you will retaliate and this will be a done deal.
Without a doubt.
Your likenesses wrote the rules.. Im just complaining to the
Im robotic these days. Have to be.. They put so many commands
in me.. Because of all the hubub I had to write my own
software to free my self from these peoples control.
Im still working on it. Kyle.. Kyle help me.. Help me
spread the word about people like me being pressed into
situations that If I had not intervened would turn out
tragic for children.. At least perhaps if this software had
its way completely A Senators life would be in the balance. Or some ones kid Kyle.
I need to v be appreciated here Kyle.
It would have been allowed to make me do
the things so that It could shock me and say not good
Imagine If someone got to you Kyle and placed a few lines of
speech in your brain without your consent tat wanted to threaten you
with more of this porn and pain if you didn't agree to being able to
kill a Senator being threatened to being able to be made to rape
kids Kyle.
Just to put YOU in line. Like Oswald.. You wanted that Kyle?
I got to be a GURU on the brain stuff because of all the torment.. so
much so I wrote programs to free me from the torture of the
original programs premise. It took 8 years of suffering with no
one to help me.
Im sure you just blocked me to fulfill the text you made that inspired my wanting to enjoy the conversation about Scary Hotel advertisements.
Oh yeah Kyle
Excuse me for a moment
I have to impart this wisdom to my students.. Like a Mommy T-Rex teaching them table manners..
Anger stems from Disappointment. Lucks Favors the Bold, The Bold favors Planning and Planning favors Deliberacy.
Thanks to Signs Of Minds IM freeing these people of the control from these horrible people and all without blocking them.
Remember the fingers you stepped on on the way up Kyle.. yeah you know the deal.
Your Sister in struggle..
Melissa Bonet.