How to copy all your thoughts into a container First when you think copy think of associating everything with the intriquete parts of a container they must be true. and the fear of or the disliking of opening a container while its moving must be instilled. either bay bad feelings of concern or just by a continuous feedback of the Partner not feeling hurt. the copy process can be accomplished by pacebo at first but once a habit it formed a sort of making a button for it and at least 10 unrelated items must use it and depend on it or be sad.
truth happy fiction where truth is expected. sad
Fact happy delayed fact more than 5 seconds sad.
all things are true.. they are just true in different settings.
Lies are feelings they aren't logical out side being called deception.
When a person says you lied they are making a claim of disappointment and a word to scorn you for being erroneous for gain trickery or inability to delivery expected facts for their comfort. they wasted their time and are angry
Erroneous ideas are inefficient and should be dealt with in this way to avoid hurt feelings in the face of effective design. this is a stirlile way to handle problems.
You must make a data base of sound effects to draw from
You must have a signature system for each of your clones.
you must have a touch tone lettering system and have a teleprompt like alphabet
etc etc etc
redundancy saves you the trouble of misunderstanding
you must have a Design that copies look alike thoughts after about 50 repetitions of the same sort of phrase is used.
you must use double this on policies of sending and receiving information at junction like information portals.
do you have the data
yes I have the data
What is the data
the data is this
you must have a Just encase like structure file to jump into action should the 3 or more facts be found at any time
This will prove useful in basic programing skills.
you will find that emotions words will take on a structured command of a different sort with out an association of actual feelings to go along with them
mad will come up as made
happy will come up as an application.
sad will come up as said Feel File etc
Fear of these will drive your obedience to them because you will not want to disappoint them. Signs Of minds makes you bark when your wrong so you wont be that problematic.