First Off Don't do Crack!
Its always good advice Unless your a software engineer or an Artist
There are a lot of self help routes to trance..To making on getting into that Zone That way we accept conditioning But none have my sense ..
They can be taught my sense.. but eventually my sense will blend with their sense.
Leaving a melting pot of desires and ideas that will want to invade pollute and eventually if not practiced my way.... Forgotten about
What Makes my system so special?
First of all you just abandoned forgetting.
The idea that you created a dominatrix of your self and through practiced mimicry and update of its own volition..
You don't stand a chance in violating your created ruler.
You just said well all the ways you reacted would fight her or him!
And now she knows.
In my system we have a need to compare Intense need association almost a drug fix only Hang Gliders experience.
This is associated with your breath of air.as its associated with your chosen word that breaks your mommas back!
No don't do crack.
The biggest experts will say don't do crack.. but there it is.. in your mind.. a fault line.. Of text.. your at fault?
yes your dominatrix wants to be happy because like the ships doctor your not well.
she knows better.. heck you told her.. before you are allowed to have that thought.. You know.. THAT THOUGHT
The one that mattered..
You wanted her to remind you.. Or you will be told to act foolish!
again and again till you remembered the facts. before that thought that is.
Your Facts.
The ones that reassure you that your flow chart needs to be followed.
Picture someone in the back ground.. having a conversation
Each one of these people is a choice In a flow chart.
Like an old woman or an old man they say..
If you choose this your ADJUST gonna get this !
They both want to be pleased.. They all want to be pleased..
You can only please the one who has the closest to what you want in mind.
There is a feeling of pressure to choose wisely and explain to the elder people who are mad at you for not choosing their item..
Here is where your information gets stored and all the reasons get remembered per consequences.. and later as you grow your library of knowledge of these very rel people I build in your mind with your guidance.. they become personalities that are YOU.
Pretending to be these people.. Who all agreed to put on the best darned programmed performance for the sake of reality around 100 people eventually just like you putting you on an tricking you..
Like a programmed you stuck in an actors role with real feelings to be hurts stored away from files you created from your own emotions to be crossed over with The act to make it UN undeniably real.
Make it a complainer.. Ask him whats the complaint about..
The answer will be up to you? Hes blaming you for missing out on that.. WHAT? What am i missing out on.. Well silly imagine!
All the things your forgot would happen if you chose that one thing!
The thing that Mattered!
That lie!
What lie?
You ask again
what lie? you told the truth.. No you didn't.
I know you covered everything right.
Leave some silence..
Examine everything..The feelings who you offended when you missed those other choices.
They give you the count of five seconds to tell them
Make 5 thinks up that are fabricated that come close to explaining..
Those are your lies
Now they know.
Some of those sounded like pretty crazy things..
now do an innuendo check!
listen for the clues in the funny sounding words
The doge ate my homework okay old man!
hetaka ogota teaka omeworkha kayhaka ledoka anmaka!
search the hidden meanings in these strange sounding words and keep the feeling of my dog ate my homework in mind!
he docka hes impatient
Hes sayong o go to school
he wants you to learn more
he wants to talk over tea or have a talk aboout your poor excuse
ohm war ka
I'm being resistant BAH!
Ok pesky hacker or prying person!
aging katrate instructor
Old fool who i rebel against
Animate my bulllony story
Student, these came from MY conscious trying to fool a person with my dog ate my homework trick..
I managed to pull up an aging teacher who sees through my insolence.
metaphor after metaphor
In your life you have to say what it reminds you of from memories only you can associate with.
You will not be allowed to use the same thing You may but that will be learned material what we want is to shake things up and create a world that seems like its fiction to you.. but really is metaphorically undeniably your real choices.
An old trick was taught to me by a psychologist..
Imagine being your favorite animal
So this is where your going to translate your feelings of any word choice you use.. with the interpretation taking into account that you naturally have a wall of deceptive words that make you comforted.
to protect your secrets healthy or unhealthy..
This area is the wall you make to protect yourself from being hurt traditionally according to societal standards. It will fool you to hear what you want to hear. for your choices.
This area is not needed. now because with MY system you get that guy to vote on your choices.
In groups that protect their values and give you a nice well rounded group opinion per choice.. another voice you have to obey.. the GROUP!
and we all know how effective group pressure can be..
Imagine all these peoples minds you create all devoted to what they think is the absolute fact.. Each comment comes from a perspective that is unique to them.
your mind combines the wisdom and it influences you to choose the right path in the flow chart of decisions.
You know these are voices from your subconscious that cared SO much about these people that It came from a channel of answers.!
This is the area your going to be in to know what to blurt out when knowing the personality inside of you just successfully told you to just OBEY.
They will be
Using crap like lingo
Partial words and innuendo..
So to take you by surprise.
You will be having your very own hypnotherapist in their before long.
Because this voice will be giving you subliminal orders with a will that wants to obey..
All agreed on by you.
Promised to you from you about you and made by clones of you. It cant fail.. until scheduled.
When you finally get a respectable system that you like.
Weather a tick you created that can be triggered with a known speech or a known number or word choice ..
Because you pre arranged it
You can then do one thing.. beg for as long as it takes to get someone to say the word Vee heer!
Have your clones ask you.. You mean you want us to say Ve heer?
make them act dumb for at least 18 prescribed times till they finally say Vee Heer!
Then have them say OK we said Say veheer! Does that help?
Then have one of them start a prescribed giggle fest over being tricked into saying save here. Drink water!
Secretly Orange a background personality who will save here and attach whatever words you want to include with the sound-effect and order of saving hhere
so while you in the middle of feeling foolish saying out loud Say Vee Here! you will be in the state of being fooled.. INTO SAVING!
Later you will practice with this personality to play out sounds of you doing this. to be the basis for more very reliable trick.
Listen to your own brain correct that word.
Lets have a Pizza
More layers! More better! poppa Chance!
Wait that didn't sound right write?
Whatever phrase works for this correction is a channel for yet more Clones of you to work with.
Pappa Johns? Make it talk to you wit the words you created from your earlier training
you know.. Hi? give it an accent that responds to your name and calls it you.. 5 or something.
Spell I cup
Feeling embarrassed yet?
You should be.. Or should I?
I My privacy has been invaded!
addddddd (7 Ds) now you have MORE channel for another clone!
ME! A form of you!
DONCHOO mean to say the word Another?
Very well! says your strict Dominatrix clone who makes another self.
Who by the way Have been trained to take turns with orders in separate ways of saying it now!
God luck finding anything that looks like failure now.
Because you will need-it.. To make you look like a foolish person again?
Perhaps not.
To make like your acting out a failure of course!
Otherwise its a surprise.. and you don't want that. A surprise failure that is.
Remember.. everything is scheduled with my system.. even failures.
This has to happen again and again until results are scarred into place..
Eventually they will do it automatically but you must first do the work
Make a nice long aggravation for yourself.
When results are found.. .
The giggling
Then drink water
More can be added to increase the likeliness of success.
You have to add it in layers.
One layer for your giggles is deliberately clapping 7 times
stimulates the word saven
The next set up more rewards.
You can also make save their life scenarios to insure you will obey your own rules.
I have a script that makes my thoughts obey Its called Miss understand script
a pretty girl stands under a car and stays safe from a sniper .. you get asked questions and keep this in your mind when you don't get the message or the signal of the channel or
the vibe of esp she gets shot because shes programmed to walk out of her cover and get hot.
She lays down dead on the lawn in front of her..
Then a sign is shown to you....
She holds it up with the phrase that makes you know what you did wrong..
Tells you the message of what the answer is on the same white picket sign..
Once you get the right vibe.. she returns to the cover alive again the Idea here is to get the mind .
Brain engaged into committing its guilt over her dying and reward the right answers with her living.
I have mine wrigged up to make her make you answer 50 times before changing subjects.
My course.
Agian Again and Again..
Till you get results.
Soon you will not be able to do anything else but Save your results.
Permanent results.
Other systems might have a more high brow way to appeal to your literate desires and expectation .
My course is different
To come at you with a HOW to design is how I Intend to instill my system into you and allow you to have your very own..
As Signs Of Minds vehemently promises.
I Look Forward to a consultation at your home
A Private Lesson is more effective than text anyway.
I Order you to call me
I can tell when your straying and plus I can guide you with NLP
570 877 1769
Melissa Bonet
Francis Adrian Bonner III