Introduction to the 153 OUCH SCRIPT
Making a prostheses for the Brain
Training the brain to maintain 500 things in a list good for flow chart training.
The kind of world where you train 500 thinks
in a pattern that makes sense to you as an
obvious truth .
Usually basic things are the
chosen and preferred thing. like a wooden
chair or a fork or a chicken this is a chicken
This is a fork this is a wooden chair etc 500 of these things..
So that when you say a phraze as we call it before its dressed up..
This allows you to make an ultimate PHRASE that has truth involved..
this truth guides you through decisions and you can ground your reality with them.
Later you will realize on how a chair can be used as a message and a fork
as well as a chicken
When done in sound a check in or check on is implied in language to
determine someones mood or in your own brain of deciphering.
as a fork can be a symbol of fork forgiveness or FORK GIVEN
someone hands it to you..
It implies confidence on the part that your brain will now chose
behavior patterns that are not hung up on sabotaging behaviors
but tell you to choose the pattern of thought where all is well.
you will see the NLP come to life in these studies of peoples
behavior as they are very complex and sophisticated triggers and buttons.
These people have to compensate on their own level and deal with
the simple Freudian slip of having been just told that they forgave you.
Without this your natural brain and behavior are subject to poisoning l
like old habits that you grew used to and are not necessarily the best ones.
This method drives your behavior to move on in a healthy controlling
fashion and gaining ground on this person having faith in you.
When you slow your own brain down to automatically react the right
way around them during such encounters the effect is instant and robotic.
Say this 500 times in Partner speak as we will call it
Keep saying these things to come alive at level 329
This is the number for enforced belief
I AM Psychic and this is a chicken and this is true..
I am a Psychic and this is a Fork and this is true.
I am a Psychic and this is a wooden Chair and this is the truth.
When the list has reached 499 have the phrase .
I GOT all of 500 phrases done ! 10 times in a row and if its not true I say 153 OUCH script!
Each ten will be responsible for the 50 part lists .
If list is complete Have the Partner say List complete or I will say 153 OUCH!
Later you will be taught how to make an ouch script. for now its just a signal with a little bit of guilt for your feeling bad for your partner.
Make conditions that make these words make them
come to life on their own the same way you told the person to make you say
Thank you Partner! you can have these lines of text used to subliminally
re enforce rules in your brain.
This is the Brain training part of (Escape a fire)
In time you will be taught to have 50 clones of yourself in your brain checking up on each other in much the same way.
But only at Signs of mind Training workshops
This is how you can work a confidence into you to believe in something till its true.
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