Training NLP minds control methods relationships remote viewing finding missing children training the brain to be like a human computer signsofminds - An Orai Of Protection
  An Orai Of Protection
Here's a little helper file for your Signs Of Minds Auto-finder


" Cravy Button. "

When were  done you should have a working HUD vision
this one is a simple round clock.
10 minutes to 2

The auto-finder is a way to skill your Eyes to lock onto an item after a group vote and log has been received

From your 500, 50 or 7 clones depending on what skill level your working with
you can place personalities in your brain with voice overs you create together.

The Idea we have today is to have 4 people responsible for  different location finding tools
3 dimensions height width and depth cues are needed  plus a number combination are for your


The x y and z axes are implied here (where) x y and z represent

How far away the item is..


 In what direction


How high or low it is (height)

With a time element that implies a 4th dimension (when).

Your going to basically have 4 people you made up to decide together on a spot in the universe

to  suddenly stare at without your arguing with the instructions.

That's the key.

  1. Draw a simple  round clock
  2. Arrange a grid over it that is a basic square  cut in halves then quarters
  3. Cut it again into 8ths.
  4.  Number all the intersecting points starting from the top left corner as zero the other direction either to the right hand side or left or side to side will be at zero  the other directional guide up and  down or top to bottom is ls at zero.
  5.  As you move to the right you will find the next intersections all along this grid from the top to the bottom labeled 1 then place a comma.

  As the next line you have will be a 2 also place a a comma placed the next intersecting

number on the following or the next line to the right with a 3 and then a comma, work your way

across the whole grid so that all intersections have a number on them with a comma.

Now go from the top left corner again and work your way down
place again a 1 on the first intersecting line and work your way down the placement of the number

should be right after the commas that you drew.

All of these Instructions should be in voice  form in your brain.

Before you can move forward.
Remember each point of combination as a song 3 words from the number coordinates responsible for

a song to be playing at the same time as another.

Just the knowledge of this is enough. Knowing the words of the songs is UN necessary for this

trick to work.

  Just remember the numbers are exiting a variation of the song from a list.
If you have 1-10 grid intersections all of them are a combination of 2 songs.

The top row is a variation of one song

Lets get physical

 Olivia Newton John on every line intersection across the top line

 Rocket Man
Elton John on every line intersection from left to right on the second row down.

If this is it
Huey Lewis every intersection going across from left to right 3 lines down
and keep going all the way to the bottom.

Make up as many songs as you like and remember that one song owns that one level, column or perimeter level !

Once Finished move on to  the next step.

Work on the same row combination of one song per column.

 All columns going from top to bottom have a select song.

So in the end the traverse  and elevate are taken care of
the next step is to  go into depth

The next  grid away from you..
IN The depth department has YOU singing a song about what level

it is.. could be any corny old song..

  The more different from  the typical the better. make the recordings come to life when your

hand  and fingernail are in its area only.

This Is where the boundaries Of your Clock become  3 Dimensional
Like 3 Light waves of sound and permission  represented illuminating the layers that surround the clock it becomes highlighted in memory
with the addition to a time element to represent the hand placements you can calibrate a working clock!

Over time your clock will synchronize with other working clocks
by a bracketing technique  Known as

 Half Timing

You guess the time and then look at it.
Work out the difference by remembering all the events in sections between your guess and the actual time.

Say If you guess 6 o'clock
and its 6 :45
you have a 45 minute difference
split it in half
Remember the events
They all have a position and a number
Split it in halves again

and again

Remember the last time you looked at the Clock and knew the time
do the same thing.. split the difference  and when you asked what times it was.. do a Thought Prethought Report on what got you messed up on the time difference.
could have been a miscommunication of  a lazy or distracted  time keeper in your brain.

Till you have the smallest promise per section of time available since you looked at the time last.

This will  be your promissory note that will self improve your memory.
every event happened. they all have time slots
the time slots can be as small as a millisecond.
The end result is a memory checker  for the last few hours if your so brave.

 Trust me if you truly slave your self to not disobey these  trigger able habits they will

speak to you and your memory will improve!.

 Also you will start to experience psychic phenomenon and  feel the need to get out of the way

of people walking behind you.

Yes This is normal.

 It comes in handy to read crowd behavior and in combat should you ever be attacked.
The Next step will be to make an Eric Clapton  color ring with color variations you approve of.

Imagining a color combination of proximity Picture the center ring being
A color and changing colors as the rings around your head or  your body span outwards from a central Point.

"Your Nose."

The Clock we drew earlier should have a way to Just POP into vision after all this is done..

 It should Pop into vision in 3d

Enhancing a  H.U D. Design Graphic.
The song volumes from all  those key points will illuminate the proximity to the surface of this clock in your brain giving it a 3 dimensional feel.
The simple design you drew earlier was meant for 2  dimensions.
now it  simply  pops into life as a 3d Item in your HUD vision.

AND Guess what?
Faulty memory triggers that you learned from the moment you heard  your first word till now are
the only things that will make the clock wiggle and stammer and shake fade out and reappear.
Do I know My stuff ?or  Do I know My stuff!.

Remember Memory Loss Is Created.

Whats making it memorable is it doesn't work until you obey Its rules and making arrangements  for

it to talk back to you should  you make a copy in your brain that skips a step It will remind

you. because Signs Of Minds will make it so.

  For now this little trick will help your spacial recognition and  place mental strings on your

finger sorta speak,  These Habits will not relent.
  As long as you keep adding layers This is where the Signs of minds Class comes In People Lack

discipline. Our Class will aleve you of this frailty.
 locations of Items for you.

8:08 PM 10/20/2017

  Every instruction should be wired with a trigger file to associate a yes or no of weather each

instruction is well seated.

Much like the Howdy partner trick  you learned  earlier you get to use this time and time again.
And as long as your using it in your life all day long for your life.. You will never forget it.

In the Illustration you will see what I mean.

Whats the use of this thing?

Competing voices in your brain are influencing you to see items in your vision Items ypour

trying to find.
Car  Keys. For Example
When you look at something  all the lifes memories that trained you to find it both scary and

reassuring play a part.
  My system runs on the theory that some sort of misunderstanding of lifes reminders got in the

way with your memory and made it scary .

  Have you ever had a certain THING you were always forgetting? Forgetting is impossible!
You trained yourself into a Habit to think of something else.
Here are 5 causes of forgetting your Car Keys.

Car Keys
coor cus
care kiss
coke us
care  Kay Ass

These five basic Freudian Slip like reminders in my system have been found to be inhibitive in

remembering (Car Keys).

Carcus Dead bodies fear of death,  Coor cus insults fear of insults,  Care Kiss lost love Coke

Us fear of addiction , and fear of Care kay Ass rejection come from all of these.
There are 5000 counted sounds alike phrases that  remind you of what  bothers you from warped

expressions from these 5 as well. All equally able to occupy the space that is the proper place

for instructing you to  never misplace contact with all the memories of the Item again.

The Freudian slips in the  thoughts that remind you of  this are faulty.

Making a long trail of explanation and compensation for  slow memories  needed before you are

making so many commands to do other things and borrow THEIR processes to Yes... JUST TO FIND

And on top of it all?

We Sabotage yourself with social pampering with words like

"Don't you just hate it when you seem  to Always lose your  car keys?".

Phrases Like I always forget do one thing.. They make this  

whole involuntary process excusable.

I know right!?

This Phrase Is erroneous right down to the core!

My brain feels pain of its damage..

Your just told by experts its bad for memory .

Yeah, yeah, yeah .


 So Believe Me I KNOW!
The next group are  just as illusive.. the Happy  reasons we forget things. Fun distraction

Being in love  over excitement.
When something gathers your attention to make you take on a path to remember something and that

path is not close to efficient enough for societal standards.. You fall into the cultural

reaction known as  what they call

"Bad memory.".

This Is what I call the
" Greg Brady Syndrome.".

I'll Explain.

Check the time
Remember the time you read earlier?
How much difference was it to your time  for real.
do the Bracket

Do the HALF TIME  checker!

There was an episode Of the 70s TV show "The Brady Bunch."  Greg Brady fell in love in this

episode and he put his homework in the Refrigerator. 

Granted the TV show was over exaggeration.

However we do this same sabotage in  our lives daily by trusting fun sources of memory that are

TOO exciting and lead us astray.

 The path to his dopamine was  stunted and he placed his welfare in the hands of what made sense

To him to preserve his memory while depending on the excitement of new found love.
As well as ours.

Have trouble remembering period? The Freudian slips that are responsible for remembering memory

are faulty.

This Is Easily fixed with signs of minds By walking you through a few easy to follow drills of

deliberately sabotaging your memory with known tricks.

It illuminates the GAG and makes you unaffected by poor language beliefs.

 With this program competing with them your vision will be all the more acute.. less distracted

and profoundly improved.

When ready you will find the key points in your scope of vision to represent known placements  

of hands feet nose eyes chin neck movements.

Use your nose  the tip of your nose as a central point of everything

The combined sound of the instructional and the American English version of Knows will enforce

your already verbal memory

In the cases where you have no hands or one hand or one arm.

 If your an amputee all the more  helpful.

 You Have an Edge. Your compensation skills will be an asset over those who have been spoiled

with the automatic Body placed memories.

When you Graduate from Signs of Minds course training on this you will inherit a sort of remote viewing capability.
You knowledge of world events will become acute.
a simple practice is the Hollywood Mogul routine
Think of yourself as wanting to be friends with a Celebrity In Hollywood.

When one of these rings is  Activated in the direction of your  fantasy Hollywood experience.. the songs will only follow the truth and everything in combination of your known memory will compromise till they guess the  correct
 version of what west is.
How far Ohio is
How far Utah is
How Far LA is
As you go through Online advertisements and tabloids you will become  really Keenly aware of issues that make these rings sing.
Issues only they can have will allow the rings to come to life and you can almost track someones location this way.
 Till eventually you will be able to track someone this way.

Combine this with the  Brain Modem Class At Signs Of Minds

You can pic up on binary clues as to calls and communication from cell phones everywhere.

Even someones twitter account where they just read Arnold Schwarzenegger is moving to his new apartment.
Isn't that exciting?

 Remember to never  remember the words that make you remember less.

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