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  AOT meter explanation in practice..
AOT meterAOT or Admittance of truth  meters are a good way to refer to data that's covered. Often times when self programming  the domino effect from one event to activate another event are crucial even to the point of overlap or over exposure to guarantee redundancy and responsiveness.An aot meter has been installed for 100 percent reliability thanks due to a set up called  the 433 interrupt code.. a 433 interrupt code on my system is the file that's set aside for a file to have all its data after being passed through a number of checkpoints the checkpoints all have their way of sending along an approval code along with the 433 interrupt code.. assuring all is checked and approved.. after 500 peoples personalities have signed off on a behavior this way one can have absolute confidence that they have reviewed the activity and have classified it as  it should be.. everything from back ground thought to the latest decision from AI of what to do in a set situation.

If all this is confusing think online gaming on your console is a code for making the bad guy die. Especially if all the conditions of his death are satisfactory and pulsed into the internet communication between the 2 computers with the same game and rules
Often time a  gamer will learn how to practice modding.
This is where a modification of the game hacks the original gaming format for a more preferred experience. Maybe we will make the bad guy wear a dress.

For this to be experienced on both ends of this online gaming.. both players must have a copy of the modification or the game will not allow the person without the hack or the mod to experience the modification. The editor or author of the edit must send the package to the other player somehow and install it on his system by the player without the MOD
How does this a relate to 433 interrupt codes? The code set up on the approval end does not have the permission to unfold or display until all the conditions are met. Until then you  don't have a complete feedback to monitor if your mental computer actually is working.
Your just guessing and guessing wont automate your system.  Forced pulse  of fact  by fact from event will. so you go through a way to name a part type. out of habit  in my case Pluto form.
the name of an AI based on opinion based on perspective and function.
After numerous years of being able to imitate personalities in my brain i can house them in these structured AI to allow for their personalities to be enhanced and they then have a way to weigh in on events.
I will walk them  on a scale of one situation by making numerous situations where an incomplete file is noted and a flow chart governs their sound effect they emote.. in the brain this is supplemented by a realistic experience.  Ill them walk them through a situation where they got the task right. The sound effects they give me will allow them to spell out the words to me to assure the made for belief personality knows the role.  when they sound out the letter and know they chose the right letter in file  they know how to recognize the right way to record an A for example
 because of the numerous amounts of personalities who are doing different things all day long their choice of words  get crossed and until a situation crops up that makes them seem like they came to life but really didn't the subject overwhelmed the perception in my brain.  so how do i get around this?  Signature lettering  I order them to make (on their own step by step) their own alphabet to pick letters and numbers from  each personality has their identity firmly carved into a letter print head in reverse and acts like a type writer meant just for them. they use that to communicate back and forth so when a letter is written a recording of their vocals follows along on another file. This file is synthesized later with a mouth-abet and a sound-abet like alphabet that's slaved to the text.
so when Ernie  Is speaking about cookies and so is Bert  the texts are Iconic-ally different.. and in the brain I hear 2 distinct voices and can tell what each said.
with a recording version of Ernie typing away of what his twin said every time Ernie approaches an idea. one for thinking 106  one for demanding 193  one for planning 299 and a bout 497 other versions that do the same. each one has their own Ernie and Bert 107 inside of those numbers paying attention to everything.
So in the end  when prof of all this c hitter chatter is needed I have 100 separate parts confirm emotion danger frailties excitement emotion logging sound typing investigating questioning  these numbers range from 400 -499
On every event or word choice a whole 500 of these twins of Ernie or Bert are taking turns with the data.. networking it back and forth but traveling in a direction that gets through the whole 500 so that all the twins know whats going on in their respectful levels.
In this situation the idea of accidental behavior is  unneeded and expectation of error is nil.
getting the wild personalities to conform to these  twin like structures has been a huge undertaking.
how does one know how all this happens? rules  500 separate rules that cycle back through and the only difference between their cyclic behavior OS a time stamp.  500 milliseconds goes by and then it  does it again making one second of decision.
001 assimilates their need or desire to start off with Ernie 001 applying the A and introducing the sound or idea for the first time to the gauntlet of twins they pass information by the 002 for the B  the 003 for the C  004 for the D this goes on until the 026 and to the 037 for numbers along the path they also receive tags for performance. all the way up to 099 by the 016th module the basics of the gist of what Ernie wants to do or what Bert wants to do are pretty clear as 016 is the number that declares a secure thought.. All numbers before this assimilate joking acting and some basic functions. So time to make up ones mind by 016 is enforced. If a joke is inferred  the 012 013 014 015 will carry its data as a joke reading at 016 and carry the joke through out the 500 stations for recording and assimilation and  improvement  communication of the joke is  sent to all the other plutoforms to record and enjoy as well.   at the 500 the thought will be officially launched and other sets of twins will log the event. Bert Robert Downy Jr Oprah Dr Drew Seven of Nine etc.
 If the communication is serious then Time to take the Person to the hospital because well after 360cycles the situation hasn't changed since a serious Ernie reported a banana in my ear and is still true. one cycle taking one second

You could always think of it as a large in processing center where every building is a new process that takes your name number info tests your interests and passes information back an forth 500 separate offices in a village  each one sends the appropriate signal along as they all will be signs and agreed upon on how to deal with a banana in the ear.
by the time they figure out there is a banana in someones ear.. the base has gone on alert.
If Ernie wants to perform CPR on someone because they have a banana stuck in their throat the conditions of emergency are far more timely Heimlich maneuver is inferred.
In the situation for training for this event
The CPR training has to last more than 3600 cycles to be considered doctrine.1 hr
an experimental CPR thats been unproven has to last 3hrs or more without being debated.10800 seconds.
How is a thing proven?
When a condition  has been achieved where the expected norm has been easily met without debate for the period of time relative to the act.
AOT Meters prove this.
In the brain its imperative a condition of a thing is challenged repeatedly the first sign would be abject disapproval or disagreement doubt.  past instances would be referred to the situation to allow a test of the event.
We are then  called compare the current event to the past event.

If no one is choking on a banana this means that no one was found unable to breath because of a banana in their throat that would have lead to a heart stoppage 6 minutes later.. Question  will this activity lead to heart stoppage 6 minutes later? If no investigate situation.
Does the person appear to be able to breath?
If yes they are not choking ..
Is there in fact a banana in the throat ?
If not they are not choking they are having a banana in their mouth and coughing? 
If not danger of choking is there but still not choking.
all of these conditions would be measured before declaring a 425 truth of choking
for now there is a 425 elevated risk
in the end a person choking would have to have 100 separate agreements  that a person was indeed choking. from 400 to 500
Otherwise no.. 10 percents are attached to each one tenth of an action with a pass it on like structure of 100 percent processed.
each twin of Ernie is asked  when 500 of his twins have been invested into this claim the end result will be dependent on 500 logs of the same event. 100 of them will call the scene as a training  Aid and then move onto another thought.
Should we ever need to train Ernie or Bert in CPR again we will have this experience to refer to.

when shall we experience this CPR training again?
determined by the scheduling number
035 135 235 335 435 all schedule when a thing can happen
cyclically like all the other events that are programmed to want to happen they are trained to all happen 3 seconds later.
The force of their combined importance's push the events up to the surface and allow them to be  experienced in a more lengthy manner.. Every time element from 1 millisecond to 1 century is called upon. billions are competing every 3 seconds.

SO every event has a sort of way of being identified by a combination of numbers in selected family categories.
and every event asks to be represented every 3 seconds and is given a schedule to occur again in 3 seconds. normally the experience every 3 seconds is a 3 millisecond experience or a 3 micro second experience or a 3 nano second experience. This is a fractured environment where millisecond is expected. but the equivalent to 300 seconds or 300 miliseconds or 300 nano seconds are made for a duplicate of a larger model of the same parts per 500
so If you were going to count 300 seconds and spread it over 500 modules thats 500 modules handling 5 minutes.

A partition of counting to 500 is also implied on another model  for comparable results counting to 500 seconds gets you 8 minutes 20 seconds but is not easily fitted to a hour clock so we kindly put that model to the side till the math skills are more automated.
300 seconds accommodates 5 minutes nicely and 500 modules can cover 300 seconds of memory through shared contact of time events per second .
so in the end  each module gets .6 seconds to watch over. or 600 milliseconds to observe  how?
we take a memory and double it as many times to equivocate it into about 1000 parts 1024 to be exact.. and space the knowledge of the repeat of that event in one second of time.. place an event like a part of tell that partition  to reveal its cargo.. and you have th makings of being able to make things happen in that small of a space of time and know the difference between 1 millisecond and 2 or 3  If you want you can go even further and know if it was off by 1 at a millionth scale.
How? little tattle tales known as the AOT meter.  Its just every coordinate in how large it is is able to transfer information through duplication over weather or not it happened.
s we take a word that was mentioned at 1 nano second and doubled it again and again till the message is repeated enough times to make up for one second of time.
you have a memory of that event use it as a 433 interrupt code and boom  you have an alarm system that lets you know when you have enough nano copies of something that happens in 1 second of time.
declaring it truly nano second. after some time  we take this event and make nouns verbs adjectives rules of languages samples of phrases all spelled with letters that are duplicated at a nano scale to the equivalency of oral scale (normal speaking)
we perfect the art of copying at the larger scale first and program a mini version of the same process at a 1/millionth fraction of the size and speed. give it problems to solve and insist that it act just like us.
The dream come true is about to unfold through the placement of formulas and known parameters of decision making we can invent things.
in seconds  the next step is to instruct the same parameters we meet when we disagree with something or are steadily convinced of something thats beneficial  for our well being that can only improve and not  devolve.. all the improvisations will make a sample thats always better every cycle around. In this pattern as long as the program can copy my essence to be that speedy then all the known predicted mistakes can be lived out in a micro like scale taking a few minutes and translating the predicted data for the minute I'm dealing with it like a time traveler.
So lets say we practice every move in chess.  knowing all my fluke moves. we put the program through all the paces to find a winning game through any number  of combinations.. we then start a game with someone.. one of the combinations is matched.. We then complete the game and make sure the message we send from the speedy version of our understanding is dated last year last month or last week depending on how long our AI cousin took at building this engine.


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