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  The Benjamin franly Study search for Poly Morphic Robo Titanium



Basic work flow of a Benj Franklyn study
On command
Do A

opening for an activity occurs
Benjamin Franklyn study
or a Benjamin Franklyn (thingy)

2 choices a Benjamin Franklyn study ON dogs
either work.. but because of the fast pace of thought a myriad of misunderstandings can cloud the study with wrong word interpretations Over 100,000 per nano second!
The shorter version doesn't allow for mistakes in commands its a short burst and individual styling allow for next to  no pollution or  very minimum of thought pollution

A BJF Thingy is an asterisk function that allows for a custom title in a study that is more of a fast compact version of the official Benjamen Franklyn study
Assuming all personalities have been prepped for  being a Pluto Form

Personalities are made to take on a list of peoples names in a Book and no one can have more than 1 name each  their writing style has to be placebo-ed from memory and the brain must be able to know what they would write like.

This offers Variety in a study so that the maximum amount of data is prepared and signed by these peoples personality   they use a pre made font that has their signature written on their text fonts name  my ssn date module number and chet version  level.  every line of text has to be put through a filter of what would they say to that line? Or how would they produce that line of text?

a rigorous process with expected  results are performed daily till expected results can be procured with reliability
so in the end you have 500 personalities that can be counted on to give a slightly different take on a concept

this one is DOGS

so heres the run down

 each one hears the PLUTOFORM COMMAND  each one is told the title
each one is trained to follow instructions trigger to trigger to copy a regimented code
 per line  Each one says in type in front of them in virtual    R   E   G   U  T  T  E  R   A  L  L  A  W ! :  each one of these letters has their individual signatures on them
 Dogs are nice  or Dogs have a keen sense of smell  or something basic.   they then end the line of text with Bot module 161642762   which has been the number Ive titled every phrase for my personal use

so I can trust it)

 All of these phrases come back to my brain  for any one of us to talk with.!

.. It came from me and serves me.  I signed it with 161642762 and not some wild version of my name.. which was one of my old mistakes.   Melissa Bonet ( Malestya Bunny ) was one of the biggest mistaked audio remembered signatures I had .

That was before making this a 3d graphic affair.

  Its not a wild phrase anymore.

I have a triggered response in the style of titling  or uttering the phrase  161642762    offering a delay in the   6 and the 2  or a signal that the phrase has already been taken. Making the plutoform write something else about dogs  Dogs are Pretty good smellers  bot module 161642762No delay or sound effect for  a phrase  being taken already

So each personality is responsible to try the phrase first to see if its taken..  if so they try another phrase.. each one has been trained to take up to 5 trillion phrases if needed numbered.
But consciously able to retain 500 of them because of the massive uses of the amount 50 in memory

So I stick to 500 per set.

So as these personalities  are put under conditions to make 500 phrases about dogs.

one line at a time is the usual thing.. they make a copy for their profile by putting a number on the copy 300

and the same phrase is made for the main library  it has a 180 on it.

so the brain remembers the copy from both sides for validity

The Library  gets a copy of the study material and makes its own as  a matter of function
The illusion is the letter  traveled somehow in 3d graphics and the brain trusts this.. and in the raw the library has simply ben allowed to know its message format and searches for all  resources with its name attached somehow.
so when the brain is used to remember the thought Dogs are  Nice

the brain will have a way to know Robert Downy Jr and the Library have a copy written By Robert downey Jr and  The Libraries extra copy it sends to all the 500 Modules for their libraries.
so the phrase Dogs are nice is universal and easily used.
all Modules also have the same sending policies.
Once the wondering about the Idea the modules are encouraged and programmed to make a copy for their own library.
 and resend the results again to al the modules

500 seperate modules are notified of a simple phrase AND  a automated Benjamin Franklyn Study is waiting in each module set to do a study about Robert Downey Jr doing that phrase in its own study once again calling on the plutoforms to do a study about something.. in this case that one line.
so all are pushed to write stories about his writing that one line all different all in english and all signatured from each and all are told to make 500 of them.
both  for the library 180  just like before and the personal profile 300

whats next is making  benjamyn franklyn reader a 405 this reads the phrases out for any one who wants to know what was written.
amd offers us our vernacular to speak with. all of these phrases are copied from module to module each module makes a copy in the same spelling  each letter used is signed with the modules number for their personal files. and copied send to the next module in the hierarchy so as the next module copies one for themselves.
each module is a clone of Robert Downey Jr
 or one of the 500 top  pluto forms
Ovr time the whole system when not riddled with mean spirited phrases allows for all of us to super saturate the system with Dogs are nice.

No asshole  Voice to skull can compete with it.

Each Module set of 500 has a residency of a persons expected personality

500 of the top  personalities are allowed to compete

each personality has the program to teach each other with recorded phrases for proof of knowledge.

Currently we are looking for phrases to scour my memory of where i might have seen a chemistry exam or article.. Looking to make  Poly Morphic Robo Titanium.

Im proud of the way the Personalities of the aPlutoforms have come through recently
they know the basic structure of a module is to write a line of text that comes to life and copied when asked for.
the manor of transit is simply the same way if you were to have 500 cubicles in your office floor  each one is made of plexy glass
so you write  Dogs are nice
on paper and sign it.. file it in a box called 107
built not until you show it to the cubicle next to you and she copies the information word for word and signs it and places it in her box called 107
all of these cubicles  have 500 boxes  numbered from 001-500 and they are clones of the same person who do the same thing.
and have the same design so they have a box set inside of their cubicle and so on and so on for 497 more times.  (this is where we get rule set genius that has no competitive thought  they are trained to make huge copy strips of their data according to their level.. these are the Chets we mentioned earlier
each level has their own font that has chet level written on it from 1-499  it tells you the quality of the date. and how fast it thinks.. so when an upper level chet like  chet 3    has a message that came from chet 27   it comes from someone just like Robert downey Jr only It thinks faster. and has been over this data 500 more times per second faster than the one above it or with a smaller number chet.  This comes from the Policy of making letters available in the memory  of the impulse of the sound of the number or letter. a 100th of the speed and this model is encouraged to make a model for the same  fractal comparison until 499 levels.  so the fast fonted words that happen in 499 travel up the ladder when they find a solution to an issue and send the message to the slowerr  teer. to be read. aloud at a pace that If put in perspective would be like myself leaving instructions for doctors to stop putting leaches on their patients and it finally gets to us around 1950  but in this case.. its tightly connected to the use of the letter choices so the message is Instead instant.  because of the chet levels and the discovery having the right alarms  for when the discovery has come back with all the proofs  of the correct discovery due to pr arranged conditions  so if the problem was to make  Iron particles from rust and the step by step basic model of furnacing the rust and in the beaker making the embers glow as we toss a lit match in the beaker to turn rust or Iron Ore into Iron Its original form has test indicators that allow for the real deal and not the placebo  so lets say we didnt already know how to do this?  we would some how receive evidence from this eventually just sitting thir to command to my brain to be slaved to its step by step instructions untill I was able to convert Rust to Iron for real.

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