When I Arrive
Hi there Im going to start off on this page explaining why My presence is needed In your Home where your comfortable.
The Whole idea of this website is to show you what you can do to get a flavor of what I can do.
Unless your nervous system is attuned to another persons Like Mine was forced to be.. ON EVERYONE
Your not going to experience lasting results. without a structured plan that I have to offer.
Instead you will be referred to people who will abandon you
Who live In our community that abused me.
They will take your money..
They will take your pride..
They will take your legal standing.
Without giving you a thing in return.
They are con artists who do everything to fill in that seedy area no one wants to talk about.
Your reading about one person who peered into this life of NLP and neuro plasticity abuse practiced by them.
Using you to get their handy work done.
If your In one of the many families in my area and you find having to
chose certain numbers just to have a nice day saying words in a strange way or make the garbage can
part of your day about as much as you are allowed to say hello then your
knowing of what I'm referring to. If your finding yourself looking out the door or arguing with words you never use normally I know where your at mentally.
Those strange words are replacement word cues from NLP abuse.
If your struggling for words and cant talk because a loved one just came home.
Your more than deep enough for me to rescue you.
I want to build an Army For you.
I cant do that without me being there.
and here is why
the system I'm using was given to me to adapt to from the perspective of torture.
I have made numerous discoveries about the boundaries you have in your brain that were build there.
That unless your waking moment isn't filled with shaking voices in your
head programmed
In there to make you miserable on key issues that upset you and have to
struggle just to get ahead of them daily minute by minute all day every
then your not going to be that much of a self starter without me
monitoring you at a comfortable yet authoritative pace.
The system that's programmed into is a selfist pushy and "Who has the
most to hold over you" trickster environment.
If your losing memory at the sink your being used and I can break you
of it.
I can give you honest to goodness alternative thoughts that help you win over anyone who is abusing your
mind with any tactic.
I Can teah you NLP Tactics that give you a rock solid Mind! =)
I can Beat Gas lighting and all sorts of abusing patterns of behavior in your mind.
Ive lived through It and am emerging on the other side of every
persons psychological makeup ever made due to their chosen tactics. Ive
even befriended them with my system.
I come from a Place of Love and understanding.
I Bond with you and feel your physical pain and anxiety without even trying.
So why do I need to be there to train all these cool tricks into your brain to make your thoughts unswappable and rock solid?
The Slow steady presence of care Of someone who cares.
Plus your a smart person your going to want to make it work Because you commissioned me.
Your going to smile because its going to be worth the investment
Just 1 -2 nights a a week for me to visit Is all that you need to free yourself of Toxic messages you built up over the years.
Please welcome me into your Home.
Im going through a rough time In my own life My transition is having its effect on people.
Im not afraid.
My wacky appearance Just helps solidify your seriousness. =)
Ive been through a LOT. I Have a lot of experience in freeing my brain of un needed stress.
Let me show you how My experience can enlighten your world and free your life of un needed stress.
Its very interesting.. and its a lot of fun.
570 877 1769
Francis A Bonner III
Melissa Adrain Bonet