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  Making a name Generator in the brain. using a demographic checker

My attempt to build a basic habitual environment out of concept for a name generator for ESP

Name generator
introduce letter
is A a name of person?  yes YYY?.. no  NNN?

YYY = yes 306 report 300 says yes vote 132
NNN= no 302 report 300 says add 500 other things 166 ranging from nearly a name to opposite of a name store at fractal-ed level of 500 modules 001-500.

YYY= name of person? YYY=(name-of-person 332 report A  300 says abbreviation) of place?  YYY = (namePlace332 report  300 says town coordinate referring to


Name of thing? YYY= (name-thing 366 report  300 reports referring to 001-500)

NNN=   300 says not name  203 reports suggests improve to make a name 146 246 346 446  (add letter at  046) 498!

Introduce second letter A until second letter has 2 placements of MGM lettering  300 agrees  make 16000 copies of reports. 161 update

AA Letter added? YYY Improved? yes  suggest 146  plan 384 improve  246 Improve 346 debate 446 note improvement.
is AA a name of person?

YYY= name of person? YYY=(name-of-person 332 report AA  300 says abbreviation) of place?  YYY = (namePlace332 report  300 says town coordinate referring to


Name of thing? YYY= (name-thing 366 report AA is ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS best guess. update 180  300 reports referring to 001-500)

NNN=   300 says not name  203 reports suggests improve to make a name 146 246 346 446  (add letter at  046) 498!  Add letter A

Introduce second letter A until second letter has 2 placements of MGM lettering  300 agrees  make 16000 copies of reports. 161 update

why 16000 copies?
Bran experiences an ideal reading levl of fractaled stimulus in this method of packaging 16000 copies of one repeat increases the likeness of memory

retention and fractal-led communication is preserved from interruption from competing thoughts.

why 16000 and not 15000?  Laws and methods have evolved this way that have the least amount of interactions that are in conflict
16 lbs
16= 4x4
16 the number of binary numbers in one  very popular model of modem communication.          
16 fits evenly into 80 another number that evades complications
16 is a number found in moor's law
16 means sax-ton  a communication method of prediction and assimilation that helps to evade common English harassment types of perception.
16000 is the number of microseconds allotted to a millisecond designed statement or stimulus.
1600 milliseconds has been found to be the ideal number of  repetitions in the brain that accommodate most of this and stave off the effect of genius decay
15 has been determined to be the number that means not enough.
14 has been the number that means fortune
13 has been determined to be the number that means question or theory
12 has been determined to be the number that presents.
11 has ben the number determined to make copies indicating want.
10 has been determined to be the number to represent attention It does compete with 16 in measures of 1000 parts per stimulus but has not enough room for

overlap on other occasions 3 seconds containing 3000 parts of a stimulus  were able to share the same stimulus over 3 personalities or elements like

the 16000 manages to have an overlap more abundant to share information more robustly for different applications it has more going for it in memory success.
In preparing fractal examples doubling numbers leads to a number just over 1000 and has an overlap but resources have beetter acceptance if there are more

numbers to analyze data than just wondering what to do with the extra numbers like 1024.  
   The brain doesn't learn as  fast using the 1024 as much as using

so how do we get to a moor's  like number? and devote the amount to watching after DAT transmissions in the 16s?

when training the doubles 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024  the parts of memories to get to 512 are reused making 1536 copying the 64 set again getting 1600

fractal 10 parts for each part in 1600 and you get 16000 parts  Its a journey.. and  a process to get to that number and hold onto that many independent and

separate  but yet identical samples. In a row.
But once the number is there its worked with and challenges the brain mathematically later.. to stay with the easier numbers stagnates and comes too close

to the 100 percentile that the old guard was so used to using. and by the way never seemed to venture away from.. they didn't have a need for math.
recently a new adaptation was permitted. since every module needs at least 1600 milliseconds to communicate with giving all the processors a chance to look

it over in enough time to standardize it in comfort.. (All those happy accidents) the fractal version of the Hayyche code needs to be updated and pressed

into action for frequency control and knowledge manipulation at a distance
the microthought needing to be maintained for fractal discovery and processing reactions and abilities for the AI to run robustly without emotion

distracting requires the modules  the one of 500 main processors to speak in terms of these numbers for influence in categories that have to be maintained in

the millions at one time to the next
So weve decided once to get a bandwidth  comparison that doesn't require a lot of training to get
every module has a number
the minimal redundancy needed to occur without fault of reasoning is 1600 repetitions 1600 milliseconds per module just over a second and a half yes.
any number below them and the effect is diminished and needs fractal help.
when the functions are made in repeat order a knowledge of a number in amount is reckoned with and a mood or a channel can be observed.. no one is going to

mistake a math skill  188 with a choice on a habit 118  because for information to be known as strictly numbers and Math it has to be made in sections of

188 thousand packages in a row.  comparable math skills 288 debatable math skills 388  absolute doctrine 488  THOUSAND and reported at 188 thousand using

the executive number.
the executive number transfers all this data to be adopted as doctrine permanently
so your math answer will look like this 188 thousand copies of (188 executive reports 2 x 22 = 44 )

Your meth answer will look like this 147 thousand copies of (what the fuck am i talking about meth for?)
your decision   answer will look a lot like this 118 thousand copies of (I choose the Math skills offer the meth skills any day)
so when MR asshole is bugging me and attempting to make an addiction to a  baby's face just after making me look at a hot chicks ass the answer and readout

looks a lot like this one  303 thousand copies of this lie of text ( 329 attempt by crowd member to make you associate a woman's rump with a babies face.)
the report of their name  will look a lot like this on

132 thousand  copies of a persons name who keeps  blinking as approved sample of a bunch of demographics (Anderson Cooper)
132 thousand copies of (works with CNN)
132 thousands copies of (Helps HLS)
132 thousand copies of (drives a Subaru)
132 thousand copies of (likes to  frame news anchors)
132 thousand copies of (works in Scranton)

132 thousand copies of (hates Gay people)
oh and by the way each one of these copies is stringently placed up for debate with a brain that wont stop guessing.
132thousand reports that say (likes to assume Melissa Is crazy)
132 thousand reports that say (likes to use barbiturates on  his  victims)
132 thousand reports to say (admits to being a him)
132 thousand reports that say (has a bragging problem)
so when I'm through here all these samples will be placed in a database with 500 other peoples guesses
 Its like I ask movie stars on their take on these ports of interest. and again my brain doesn't want to stop guessing.. what would Oprah say
what would Benjamin Franklyn say
what would Jim Carrey say
500 people pressured to give different reports and have to come to a consensus AFTER debating like a Mrs America Pageant for Module domination

1st wave.. wild guesses
2nd wave whatever will stick
3rd wave whatever seems plausible
4th wave decided motivations
5th wave opportunities
6ths wave desires
7th wave  integration with the Host bodies life
8th wave Interaction with other people
9th wave  known philosophies
10th wave attention span
500 waves in total.
after all this assimilation of fact comes back we start to put John Does together and Jane Does together
a huge database of combinations of results
people start to emerge.
like so many lottery numbers

we keep making a comparison to all the basic module functions up the line to get ideas and get a whole report in contrast with that function.. then cross it

all together.
All these  findings are demographics  so as to keep it professional and not personal.
So lets just say I wanted to hunt for people who hated Gay people
Liked Ice cream
fudge ripple
drive a mazda miata
worked as a bell hop
is Italian
Right nw I have 4-100 worried expressions in my face and they allfeel like these people.

so when Im planning my ride down town Im going in a car of my ownership
going to drive where its most profitable to me.

Making it easier to train in samplets of  1/1000 the time it takes to  make a sample of a stimulus that speedy or in other cases tiny and fractal.

 names of numbers  have found a happy dance of rationalization to stabilize the mind in measures

YYY= yes

Why 3 letters in caps? 178 report.
Answer 178 report
uses 3 letter combination for customized inclusion to language used by HUD and  readies stimulus for  Hayyyche coding frequency inclusion.

NNN = no for this formula follows 3 letter spelling language adaptation to 500 letter repeat in HUD system  Hayyyche code ready

Stimulus = Person lace or thing in thought
The whole Idea Is to keep a database of names and locations and habits in combinations to be read with peoples brains and known demographics body language and detective deduction on samples of actions by the subject.
referring to 001-500 = asking for options through overlap of function of module and  stimulus together  

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