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BOOM there's your thought!
this Thought has been refined for 500 times and has been sent to your conscious and can be played back again and again
Back to the start now.....
001 Thought Gets Introduced Its a singularity Its being converted to the
signature font with its internal 238 delivers the letter A and controls
conversation in 5 second increments known as chunkets Chunkets
are maintained from 001-500 layers of 5 second measurement 101 and 201
are the advanced portion f learning. named after the monicker learning
101. 101 is also Responsible for miniaturizing thought with an AOT
processor that puts events in a flow chart governed by a status bar on
every step and repeats of a thought stack are saved and made for the
host bodies brain to count. making recorded thought play backable and
place the thought of the truth meter representative of the thought or
the actual thought on a yardstick of memories that can take on the
history of the world with attendance markers and play it in the span of a
second. One can take a small fraction of that second and copy it by
numberded time stamped and signed memory and make a miature of its
contents to be played back anywhere in memory especially when spelling is checked by flow chart the spelling of a message at 499 fractal is the same as the spelling of a message at oral speed but it is un inhibited by distractions and is pure flow chart and practices millions of models of a days events a years events a life times of events in seconds being a holy grail of information that when made to dominate over decisions at the oral speed level the answer is not debatable..
Made so the highest fractal is called Speeeeeeeedy using 499 E's every level is using one less E in its speed inciting every level to be not as important as the chet level higher than themselves. the slowest speed only has 2 e's
002 Thought gets copied once and is known as a repeat. Carries the letter B and is responsible for starting the process Is largely responsible for the copy process.
003 Thought is copied once more and considered registered by way of use
when evolved will be used as a clue Lister and carries the letter C.
004Thought is counted and in evolved mode is responsible for counting
any elements in thought that have a countable quality carries the letter
D In its evolved state is responsible for gps location and singing
music rhythm control.
005 Is responsible for Symbol and moral upkeep In evolved form has
the ability to encapsulate whole events in whats called a BAM
File Carries the letter E This evolutionary Chain has a special talent.. a built u library of personalities directly able to make 500 stories about a subject that are trained to be different from each other using their own fonts to identify their personalities with 10 strategically marked factors written on their letters that identify them only things no one else can claim to be their identities. giving validity to 250 thousand stories and statements in English well spelled and collected together making them smarter every time they do one of these. searching my memory and elaborating on every thing. pressured to be original. memories sharpen.. abilities emerge. a large proofing system that insures all these people known celebrities and fictional characters from cartoons movies and tv weighing in like 500 second opinions on everything.
006 This where concentration is applied to a thought time
devoted to how long a thought is meditated on happens here carries the
letter F
007 Thought Gets Logged here and carries the letter G
008 Thought is maintained and list checking is added onto the thought Carries the letter H
009 Thoughts convictions rule sets for a thought are here everyone's I'm
in control or I have the answer file.. Carries the letter I. Advanced
model makes for a debate to be won over any issue per nano second. All
decisions are then adopted to last long enough for function purposes and
decided at 409 of what decision to do. 209 is the Module that
stores disagreements on the premise of wanting ones will to prevail
based of conviction... calls to change the mind. all decisions that make
it to the 409 are what everyone agree on based on survivor-ship.
010Thought is broadcast to the whole 50 nodes across the 500 part medium to announce whats going on. carries the letter J
011 Thought is given the chance to chose how many copies to make of anything to accommodate any function Caries the letter K
012 Announces to the 500 the state of things. is responsible for reciprocation to the 08's Carries the letter L
013 Thoughts are given the chance to question or not know yet here more
advanced 13 is a theory and a question Carries the letter M
014 Announces the projected path of a thought and evolved variations of this number are responsible for future telling. Carries the letter N
015 This Is where Thought assured is measured. If left alone a not
serious thought will carry through the 500 as a Joke or passing thought
without intention to commit to anything other than a passing
thought. Carries the letter O
016 Secure in thought whatever the decision to do is decided here joke serious or not a
single letter a color a fart whatever this is the place where the
thought is in its beginning phase of refinement. Carries the letter P
017 This Is the Thought pause area meditation happens here on ones
thought of choice and awaits refinements. Carries the letter Q.
018 Thought is given a selection of suitable ways the thought can
be introduced a 500 part selection is shown of all thoughts LIKE the
thought as closest as possible and one is chosen. Carries the letter R
The thought chosen will be known as a 203 file on the flow chart a 203
is a choice and 499 others are measured for their rejection 302 this on a
flow chart upsets a balance called a 202 or an indecision.
019 This is where the winning decision is allowed to be announced and
featured. Carries the letter S This modules evolved
self I where scenario control is made. 119 being the proactive
version its the persons winning intention and symbolic of a scene
played out from beginning to end.. 219 is where 500 others are up
against this one and constraints of multiple flow charts to determine
the best choices for a nanosecond are passed through 319 where 319 lists
the 203 chosen and the 302s sacrificed by the personality. the 419
announces the final decision and awaits launching by the 500
020Thought is recorded from the decision and located with a
specialized trick.. listing where everything is not. A reverse
image of the decision is made to scan out impurities in the decision.
Carries the letter T evolved versions simply refine the process.
021 Adds the thought to a search engine announcing key words to locate
it and measure key word involvement indifference from the choice as the
words links get weaker away from the center of thought a bulls eye is
formed. the outer rings associative at the lowest level at 500
degrees of intensity. A word cloud is made for every ring. Carries the
letter U Advanced numbers are similarly functional to draw attention to an idea and (funnel the mind into an idea).
022 Spelling is infused with the thought where actual letters are placed
in rows mimicking the spelling of thoughts and are copied at the
thousands after going through a spell checker flow chart fro
memory and voting copies like all modules are multiplied by the
thousand times the number of the module and demanding the brain count
them with a flow chart device known as an AOT meter this gives the mind a
chance to feel the number quality and subject matter. All phrases that
have 222 Its more advanced voted self featuring 500 known
personalities choices of how a word is spelled, thousand copies are told
to the brain to read and verify this tells the brain this is the
phrases proper spelling. Carries the letter V
023 Search engine completion known as I miss you files
are made.. beacons to search for key words that lead to the subjects
thought. Left behind for other personalities to search out the
thought needing to be shared in all its unforgiving perfection and word
for word quality. These are the compliment to the funnel files earlier
mentioned in 121 and 321 modules. carries the letter W
024 Process is known to break down a phrase into 5 trillion meanings in
pronunciation and meanings allows personalities to hear it and be
identified by associative slang recognitions. truths are verified
and groups of peoples are found this way. Caries the letter X
025 Thoughts are compared to 500 known obvious undeniable truths
associations from the 024 generator are further filed and processed.
Carries the Letter Y
026 This is the He said she said number or the who said it number..
Thoughts are made to read the associations of the 025 files and 024 file
results and files the gender and group associations with those
translations from 024 Carries the Letter Z
027 Opportunities are raised in this module on what to do with all this information gathered from the 024,025, and 026.Carries the lower case a.
028 Thought is given the chance to self nag.Patience's from 128 are
assigned to personalities as this number measures pauses resistances to
answer slang in language and pregnant pauses are measured to be
played back per personality filed from ALL the info gathered from
the last 5 modules. Carries the Letter Lower case b. 228 its evolved
cousin translates everything into first person form and drives decision
328 is a sounding board and 428 holds onto the decision to be launched
at the 500.
029 Beliefs are assigns and discovered from the last 7 modules and
placed on the personality traits found mostly stereo type archetypes but
handy for personality assimilation later. 129 229 its more evolved
cousins do all that carries the Letter c lower case. 329 is set up
to be a convince module and 429 an ultimate belief.
030 Thoughts are given the chance to measure what a person thinks is precious or treasure. all modules have an internal 107 so everything gets logged.
This number carries the lower case d.
031 Like the funnels mentioned earlier this number makes a funnel path to everyone's
treasure. It also is in the grouping of testing as it tests 30s
functions as well per cycle. Carries the letter lower case e.
032 After all that detecting of groups treasures leanings patience and
recognitions of slang's this 32 dynasties claim to fame is
demographics Hair colors known habits. tenancies etc mostly puzzle
peaces that can be intermixed to build a personality called a DOLL This
processor is where flow charts can take the nasty part out of a
personality and or introduce it. Good for NLP Doll experimentation
of known personalities outside the Host bodies actual physical body..
mind control. Carries the lower case f.
033 This Module is meant for Aot metering and measuring a thought making copy
segments that are more memorable because of their present for nature a
role call is made and thoughts no matter how fleeting or speedy or
tiny cannot escape Aot metering. Carries the Lower case g
AOT metering is like knowing a phrase on a peace of paper in your
imagination and making it slowly zoom backwards till its too tiny to
read.. you will always know what it says no matter how small it
is.. and a peace of paper that lets you know when someone uses the paper
for knowledge it comes to life as well and it too no matter how far
away it might seem tells you the info created with that action... 133
and 233 are largely responsible for making AOT meters to help in this
process. An AOT is an acronym known as admittance of truth.. A
present and accounted for meter that keeps track for you.
Good for making lists of massive copies and accurate library processing.
034 This Module carries reasons and causes for every action
there's a why and this one delivers. Carries the lower case h.
035 This Module is used for scheduling born of its original number
quality for asking permission of being able to do a thing became a way
to schedule all personalities activities. Carries the letter i.
Its evolved cousins the 135 and 235 are responsible for voting the
schedules of events. the 335 is responsible like all the 300 type
modules a scribe that records the choices in nano second bursts to the
435. 400 final decision style modules wait to be launched at the 500.
Carries the Letter i
036 Is the Innuendo module the thought is made to make up at least 500 innuendos about its process leftovers from the 24 module are expects among some relatively detailed ones. Carries the lower case j
037Thoughts are put to the challenge with this module as every thought is pressed to make its case with a 500 level controlled synchronicity generator.
every imaginary step is measured and fed back to reactions of a scene of
a possible action.. 500 steps all have to make 500 individually
separate choices that also have to do the same thing 500 times deep..
Other realities are discovered with this Module. Carries the lower case
038 Is where Thought is asked to be an ear to pay attention
to input and translate it as closely as possible to legible text..
by sheer guessing what was the thing told to make me do whatever I did.
Its a cause searcher by guessing and documentation to know what
triggers made the action. eventually the whole library is made and every
possible phrase sound effect or event is labeled as a possible
cause and if it turns out to be true.The Ability to translate anything
is yours. Carries the lower case l.
040 This is where Thoughts get a job.. a function or careers are mentioned Carries the letter lower case m.
041 Thought is expected to find those careers or functions discovered
and this module creates a word cloud intensity funnel around the
idea much like 123 module or 321 module.This carries the letter lower case n.
042 Thoughts are measured for their viability and can be made very
confident with this module. the Evolved cousin to the 042 the 42
was first named after the 442 car which inspired confidence in the
mind. Its start is viability and its final thought is confidence.
earlier renditions of this number were made from a measurement of fear.
Its opposite and found on the logs of the 342 which parses the decisions
every nano second of any decision..Carries the lower case o.
043 This Is where thought is measured for pleasure. the 143 individual
pleasure module is measured and weighed per nano second with 500 other
plausible 143s to where at the 243 the winner per nano second is
measured and send through the 342 and placed into the 443 awaiting
launch from the 500. Carries the lower case p.
044 Thought is measured as to its interaction with the general public al
decisions in the 144 are measured and voted at the 244 and the
344 carries them over to the 444 the pr agent module. This module
carries the letter lower case q.
045 Thought is given a chance to announce it motivation or angle named
after the 45 degree angle the 245 has the most decided on angle to use
per nano second per situation per idea. and is listed at 445 awaiting
launch from 500 as usual 345 carries the results from 245 and records
the rejections. and the decided. Carries the letter lower case r.
046 this module takes the thought through an improvement stage 146 and
246 are geared to improve a thought by an incremental amount through a
truth detector. flow chart measured against 500 known facts the
501st being the improvement.
Improvements are send through to 446 and detailed in how they improved. This module carries the lower case s.
047 This Module measures human frailty memory, retention, excuses,
pain, and any attitude that is not needed Voted human frailties
at 247 like breathing and heartbeat and eating a sent through to the 447
module and await launching. this module carries the lower case t. 347
records the 499 rejected files and the one chosen per situation per nanosecond.
048 Thought measures dangers to be included with thought. the 248
decided the thought to be voted the 348 records the winning thoughts
from all the 148s as the 148 winner or grouping of winners in a
choice are send through to the 448 and losers are held back for
that nano second at the 348.Carries the lower case u.
049 The communication module that converts thought into what its
internal 238 already figured in what would be the most likely
conversations to happen 149 talk 249 intercommunication with other
personalities. 249 decides what conversations go through and 349
mediates.. 449 is the sample of whatever conversation goes through
concerning your thought. caries the lower case v.
050 Thought is used to tense muscles and movements are measured
and listed simple movements and labeling of typical muscle groups and
carries the letter lower case w. 450 is the eyesight number but
also carries the commands decided on from 250 so in this case both
the eyes and the auto-finds in the vision are gridded to coordinates
and evolve from 150 to 250 just like any muscle but on its own signal.
051 Thought is funneled for every muscle in the body eyes arms legs back
everything all decisions are made to render what muscle should do
like millions of fingers on a oijia board puck Called
phraze Inger's all words decisions go through this filter and sign
onto where they thing the arms should be at any time legs eyes back
head etc and what muscles to tense when. Carries lower case x
052 Tags every event for categories Thought is given a chance to name events and effects to be tagged with this module on anything and everything. Carries the Lower case y.
053 Thought is given a chance to medicinalise any ailments
in the body Back ache nervousness heart rates etc blood pressure.
and also to repair broken code. supplementation mostly these days.
Carries the lower case z.
054 The computational heaven module the module that places
regular human like conversation in with all the funky symbols that make
the HUD work. This is the coding spinster of the Modules Regular person
speak cant last in the environment of coding and syntax in its raw
state. 254 is responsible for a lot of messages to be placed together
text to text.454 is the final message waiting to be launched..
055 Is the time Keeper of thought.. all the timings pulses and measured beats are kept here synchronous measurements like seconds hours days weeks months are kept here.
056 Need to update or communicate or speak. thought approaching a feeling of wanting to update. the urge to talk
057 Update.. the event of information exchange to set to the new standard.
058 Past tense of update thought Updated.. This number is largely responsible for history keeping.
059 Worth talking about thought is kept in the 279 this one is the worth thinking about. and responsible for upgrading.
060 All go codes are send through this module where thought gets the go
ahead. 260 has a special processor where bad thought can be repelled and
made further away in timing and use and wanted thought can be made
closer and more long lasting.
061 Security clearance where the host bodies ssn is attached to the every thought in text form to avoid identity Freudian slip.
062 The How do or way to directional module that expresses a
special tool the way to machine. Born of a habbit of Way to make me
trip! turning into a way to make me trip. eventually adapted for nice things.
063 The place where determined Laws are kept 463 scans all activities for assurance and flags bad apples for R Tasking or a prototype thats deemed 303 worthy.
064 the Module that keeps track of what you did wrong in every
instance larger than a picoseconds. so as to check for this
history for when you want to avoid mistakes and bad unwanted behavior.
at 464 also launches with 500.
065 Thoughts are recorded as having needs so this one has a
library of needs to be announced. 265 determines at the nano
second what needs there are for the particular activity.
066 Thoughts need nouns this module keeps a library of persons places and things to use as text driven ideas.
067 Thoughts need verbs to do things so any action words you find you will find here.
068 Thoughts need adjectives for description this is the module
that keeps track of look alike words as well and descriptions of people
who LOOK like a person and yet are NOT that person.
069 The agreement or exact copy module takes care of peoples
descriptions to the T and is a module for agreement. 269 determines
agreements in all the votes in the 200 style modules. 369 is the
priority gage on whats in agreement of thought or in the personalities
case sometimes their dialect. but ultimatly the module at the top speaks
from a bottle neck position where the 1469 rules.
070 Thought driven Audio control processors are here synthesizers that
record sound and play it back. exactly as heard. per sample or can be
modified for other audio effects.
071Volume control on thought.
072sound effect storage on thought.
073 H coding processor that uses the 54 processors to establish word
cloud like conversations where thousands of people can have independent
conversations and never cross signals. Named for a frequency
controller called Hayyyche the sound of the
letter H other than its sound effect that is barely heard and
Ideal for spacing letters and announcing frequencies. Hello hhhhhhhhh world hhhhhhhh hows hhhhhhhhh it hhhhhhhhhh going? in thought all you hear is this but the mind has to count the h's to tell the differences between one conversation and another.
074Ambition control the ambitions are gaged by known ectivities
and keeps in families to adapt to their style of get up and go. 274
determines what ambition per nano second per activity as voted from 500
174 suggestions from individual personalities. on the same event.
075 Electricity or excitement and dopamine control is set up here and operates much like 174 only with electricity Using well trained shocks from scaring to Shockras.
076 Independence is given in voted amounts its a thought freedom
and is restricted by vote on any activity in all actions this
basic freedom is either restricted or in the 476 case forced. This is the basic Will of people competing.Gives a whole new meaning to taking the liberty.
077 Flow charting thought processors. are all based on some hard
core no negotiables 1 the host body is female 2. lives 300
yrs 3. lives healthy 4. lives happy 4. lives financially independent.
with habits that push the likelyhod of $250,000 a month in income legally and easily.
the rest is workable.
078 The questions and answers module.. done with a format of one
row qustions the other answers broken up into HOW WHERE WHEN WHAT AND
WHY Like the 238 module this module has a responsibility to store
these daily 178 and make them up for voting at the 278 votes determine the truths of the answers after that.
079 Thought of writing a letter to the library a file used by the 105 BAM Blast a Moment file function to and an enclosed mesage whose ends cannot easily be mistaken for another message and be trusted.
080 Library for thought.. storage of all information a history
file and storage of literature. the main hub for Where everyone
usually stores their information. in data bases . all modules every one
of these and 400 others have an internal 180 the copy rate isnt al that
diffrnt but operates in much the same way at th 200s the 280 votes and
at most provides quality assurance of library functions at 480 the
020 module and 080 module function as a dual processor to this file and
fact libraries like 190 290 490 as the 020 documents al untruths in a
literature and a 080 finds all known facts about the same copy of
literature. both are submittd to the 180 and the truth or fact
driven info is blasted constantly from the 190 490 chain.
081 the good chip award module comes to life after 500 revolutions
of top service for a period of time of platau. rewarded every time a
module does its job. and plays for the rhythm of the 233 processor to monitor AOT high points and 100 percent status bars.
082 Serves emotions and attitudes and at the 282 votes what gets done in a nanosecond at 482 where it awaits launching by 500.
083Advices of thought are given here and updated frequently at 283
084 Causing attention to something that needs work thought
processor the alarm that sounds when something is wrong element
that outlines bringing awareness to a needed update or fix.
085 thought of expectancy this processor measures and monitors a
personalities expectancies.. usualy helps in determining intention. 285
and 385 and 485 are good at deflecting the bad news of the next modules report 186 what could go wrong.
086 The what could go wrong module.. controlled chaos at its
finest.. announching al the hazards and attacks that can happen at any
point everywhere from a module failing to a person tripping or
failing. 185 and 285 get reports from this module and inform to keep
personalities updated and not to be taken off guard.
087 The Library has a companion here Its a dictionary its an
encyclopedia its a diary and drop down menu processor. for thought.
mostly function so no big bells n whistles on voting just
quality assurance and entries from the internal 238s
088 Mathematics Guru or math processor of thought.. all the modules have
a copy of all these modules in them and this one is one of them any
math thats needed is generated by this module like all the modules
answers are multiplied by 500 times 1000 times the number on the module
times the chet level.
so when an answer comes from somewhere and the brain has to count 188
288 388 48 of anything thousands millions etc it knows this
is a numbers game and not a conversation.
089 The cyphering module for thought is where all the coding happens Morse code speaking backwards encryption etc.
090 The fact library that blasts a steady stream of facts of what you
need to know at 500 sections of messages a second and counds the
additions every 5 seconds. has the answer to any question at its 490 for any situation.
091 The boasting or status of state of the art announcer states all the
things that can be done at any particular time or at al nick named
the bragging Module its the home of all boasting bragging and
facial features.
092 The definition Module and after effect module this
module makes up al of what happens IF you do something.. Its evolved
number 292 responsible for webbing the brain and defining words by their
true title.. (what it does) makes for a very valuable translator.
any grund groan or burp fart or faregnuten hapens here it has a legion
of English effects labeled from experience. known to happen on the other side.
093 Te demand module or the force module is for personalities to
feel so conpelled to force themselves or other events and or
personalities with demands.. usualy forces with subtle pressure of
mentioned functional addiction to success language
094 The If then Else Module is what governs the complex decisions
in rhytem of what to do when a line up of stimulouses are in such an
order to establish a desired effect. helpfull when conversation is
too slow and imediate action of complexity is needed good for NLP
reading and enforcement.
095 Laboratory the number used for experiments shared by multiple personalities using this system.
096 Graphics display the processor tat draws images records video and creates custom stitched animations for the HUDs processors.
any visual photographic memory is generated with this module on board with every module to help govern module processes
097 Chet level processor and translator of nano fractal thought brought
from flow charts that process all ofthis information with information
only without emotional interruption.. All the levels of Chet
a marking thats placed on the lettering they have to use to spell
everything they think has lip marks on the letters of the alphabet
characters so when they spell enything they have to spread out thier
letters in spaces that are congruent to their level.. This helps mamo
thought to be retained aven further and be understood from a distance or
in a flash what information was said.. the brain has to count al those
spacings while spelling out the messages.. at the speed of 30 ft a
second a neuron can easily loose memory at that level.. "Not
with this Juggernaut."
chet levels go to 499 and conscious thought or oral thought uses chet 3
and reads deep processing from Chet 10. all levels are ordered to
revere any communication coming from a highter chet level to give it
priority over itself in a vote.
the inbound communication from 097 197 and 297 is complex and sends information back out through 297 397 and 497 al messages are still in 497 waiting for launching at 500
098 The Action number and announcer of the best decisions by
498 This module holds onto all the processed information that
extends from the 001 to the 500
this number module names and announces in its entirety all recorded info that went through the channels
to be passed onto another 500 module for processing again in the next 5
minutes or 5 seconds depending on the fractal speed clock of the next
peer Chet module
099 The announcer and reciprocate Module announces to the entire module
set all 500 modules of whats about to happen and they get a history
report in their 157 and 158 modules with an aot Announce fr them to hear.
100 The Launcher and Cullen Module on its way up to 500 this
module makes every section of the module set iutself up for
resetting to the newer standard of upgrading from personal proactive to
combinative voting to storing prioritive and monitorive to
Ultralective at the 400s and then the firing of the thought at the
500 CULL IT! Must be because it works!
then the whole process starts all over again at the next chip sets 001.
The rules are like this.. all the 00 like modules set up the thought
all the 100 like modules allow for a person to make a proactive choice.
all the 200 like module combine 500 at a time for each nano second
the winners get logged announced and stored with the 300 like modules overseeing priorities
and the final decisions in the 400 like modules are set to be fired off and launched
with the 500 module The whole thing is networked with fractal miniatures within the modules design with the same structured processor
so a processor in this list has a 001 to 500 and launches its findings to the next module till the entire set is complete.
through a structured evolutionary chain of numbers 001 101 201 301
401 then 002 102 202 302 402 003 103 203
303 403 all the way up to 100 200 300 400 500 Launch! to the
next peer level 500 modules and or the next module in line up that goes
in the direction of Oral speed of understanding
the peer just keeps a chronological 24 hr wheel in different
speeds seconds minutes milliseconds Microseconds Nanoseconds etc.
When this starts to run without complication (instant Genius) Limitless abilities!
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