Training NLP minds control methods relationships remote viewing finding missing children training the brain to be like a human computer signsofminds - The NANO Phraze
  The NANO Phraze

: a section of text or volume of words from one  letter to one word to a paragraph to a book to a library Meant for Jennifer the H.U.D. systems and Mom in a bottle systems as depicting a word that has not been dressed up enough to use in conversation yet. until then the depiction of  Literature is considered a Phraze.

A letter phrase would be your brains way of saying the letter A or the letter B out of the American English alphabet.   A word Phraze would be any word used  to be created until it is meant for proper translation for the world  to consume its measurements and uses are considered word phrazes.
In syntax we express the word phraze like this WORDPHRAZE!:

A sentence phraze in existence and can be used  surprisingly has never had a need to be used very much aside from specialized situations where such a difference is to be noted.
Until then a phraze is ordered and it gets manipulated as a Phrase but is always considered a Phraze until the expression in oral English is accompanied with the message weather its in oral translation mental translation or otherwise usually Phrazes are  what the brain uses to differentiate from phrases in expression to avoid confusions.

Often times control words  can get berried into the message
 Imagine if your brain were running off of HTML  and you didn't have a way to know what your words were in instructions.. once in a while you would wonder why someone keeps bringing up this referee or this ref  you look into it and discover a confusion over the word <HREF> so the brain mistaken it for a conversation about a referee. how would we handle this? We would make sure  the spelling was different. and the amount of time its repeated..
Early on a confusion was found  with a syntax that was found in my brain that kept confusing the conversations.. I set out to alleviate this problem by insisting that personalities  that wherein the brain were instructed to say the word 4 times in a row.  up until an expression was known in American English psychology or pop culture  like go go go go or amen amen amen or well well well etc  you stood a good chance of getting your message through.

Why do we call this the American English Alphabet. because there are other interpretations of letters in other  alphabets that mimic English and because the system is mentally driven exactly  specialized word, must be acceptable so that word can easily or more to the point ,  find a way to traverse the expressions heard in your brain.
This is why when  you  hear the term PHRAZE!: In the brain its set up to be echoed 500 repetitions so that it stands out from a regular word phraze or phrase.
Its also cross referenced with those 500 repetitions to asses the uses of this word Phraze.

I found a definite correlation between the need for neuron like language which is at the speed of light to be delayed 500  to the 499th power  the actual power isn't accurately measured yet. however it does  creep me out some times in how much depth there is to thought. the deep thought leads to a neuron that might be left alone to handle a message of depression.. on its own.

 Without a cutoff  area to know that the rest of the fractal like environment is  simple lights on or off like structures, The structures have no real way of handling the torment..
Especially if they have been instructed to be self aware. some might be not smart enough to reciprocate back to the rest of the brain and wonder why they have to hold onto a scary thought.
Efforts are under way to demographically detach involvement of these structured like thoughts  on the whole and only monitor puzzle peaces so the more intellectual brain  neuron groups can   for lack of a better word  cheer each other up!

In a way to allow the average conscious brain abilities to integrate with it  along the way making 500 way points to filter and process this thought or any thought.

What Is amazing is i have more than 1000 ways to slow down thought so I can monitor its essence and its still outpacing me. I have a Fractal environment of proof readers that operate by the same rules  as my large  crude structured modules.. I have 500 modules Ive trained them to handle thought at a rate of 3 seconds per  module
So that when 1500 seconds are elapsed the whole of the thought is super categorized  in a categorical like sense. 500 different ways to store a thought and act as a processing center for the army, or a obstacle course to retain data on top of data.

Its been a couple years since this modeled process yielded any sort of promise of genius.
Its getting better. I have to add phrases like crazy but its getting there.
The massive amount of data Is fascinating to a degree that I have to set up structured ranging areas as AI call them to handle future events that according to the laws of the truth detector the scene looks like a lie.
Imagine being like this back in the old west and getting messages from a prediction of rocket craft or vehicles that didn't require a horse.. you would dismiss them as lies.

So I have to set up ranging areas to be like story lines of fact that happened in a way to tell a historian what happened next decade. by the reality standards of my own life.. so  lets say I phones disappear. Someone discovers a better way.. There's always a better way.. so what does one do to get around these huge curves in intelligence and tactics?

I ask myself  to ask my clones to ask themselves.. If they are going to die tomorrow? answer by the Hour. and tell the person they are of tomorrow to do the same thing.
It starts to look like one of those infinity mirrors after a while because they do accurately predict what will happen. I have tons of flabbergasted Idiots who get in the way of the translations. so I have to monitor algorithms.. taking the emotions out of the equations and simply forcing my actions to respond to known factors that are not so directly related to anything exciting but are definitely tell tale signs of a  event  so how do I do this?

One way is to arrange all my incarcerations ever.  To arrange all the ways to go to prison.  In this fashion I can be aware of  my own self limiting my exposure to such an environment. this will be one of the guard rails of my life.

So as to pre pre dict them by pro actively pushing the envelope or just going through the run times of what to do.
I can stay away from doing them.

 Also the tales told from the hospitols from every time i risked my life. in every fantasy session i can dream of.. how do i do that?

I place every minute in a  sense where i could do something with that minute that leads to a catastrophe. and live it out.. proving to my brain that all the steps were genuine steps along the way so its all plausible.

The truth detector is a simple device..

Handed  down to me to punish my brain for not knowing the facts. To evolve into  a device I invented called the Frisbee method.  I order  2 personalities that pass a frisbee back and fourth.

 They monitor their experiences and overlay the feeling of promised events.

So the First person offers to deliver the Frisbee and makes an effort to hold back..The other personality is made to expect the Frisbee and is disappointed and obviously records a promise that's not delivered. The first personality also knows they wee not being genuine.

 This is the essence of the feeling of a falsity. So then they do the same thing again..

This time the Frisbee is tossed at the other personality..
They remember a delivered promise. and equate this to be a truth or a factual event.

Ultimately its a delivered promise. So when the future wants to toss me a Frisbee. and the events are unfactual the future is instructed to hold back  these sto0ries are not true or are in error..

 If the events are factual a Frisbee will be delivered. As well as the facts. this truth detector is there for everything otherwise we wouldn't  know what to react with or how to react. so again I ask them are you going to die tomorrow? they say no..

So I ask Is the reason you said no mean   you don't want to die? they say yes.. the reason is omitted now tell me are you going to die tomorrow? they say no. the schedule says all factors  don't show it on the schedule. So they are Instructed to lists the reasons why they are not going to die.. 24 separate and different ones.
One for each  hour of the day. Until they come to an impasse where they cannot  honestly predict  or the situation takes a turn for where Death is unavoidable  they keep going and they do things like count heart beats then attest them to be true. If they count the heartbeats in the next 15 seconds and do the math for the next 24 hrs they know how many heart beats I have before the 24 hrs elapses.

So then they can honestly investigate  24 separate reasons for death per day and alert my clones to react accordingly to each death scene and take control subconsciously or in my case module Isticly LOL where I have numbered segmented personality bits ordering me to do them.

Omitting for crappy false positive Ive experienced before and forces biased ones that yielded nothing more than a failed attempt on my life from the inside of my own brain.  they come up with a better and better way to predict events in my future.
They already use my heart beat to asses the time. doing a loose prediction method of bracketing the guessed time
Its just a bunch of If then else type code that takes on a set heartbeat to count the flutter and then wait till it happens again adding to a counter the counter rechecks for accuracy and uses the data on other projects. Eventually I find myself bringing up subjects that mimic alarms just as my phone alarm goes off at its predictable times of the day.

Its a trumped up system your normal bio rhythms use to wake up just before your alarm clock goes off in the morning so predictable.

So now they know when they are not going to die and why they know it.
 They know they are not going to prison and why.

So they plan the day around the facts that led them to those claims.

There is your non biased prediction of tomorrows events.
I extrapolate the same scene for tomorrows tomorrow and make a module for it to integrate with all of its clones. factually generating reports on every one of my reactions.

Every prediction ebbs and flows due to my day to day events changing my future out of sheer terror of my death. So naturally the body wants to do what it takes to survive. every prediction is expected to yield a select amount of reactions .
So as to say the final prediction will indeed be a planned death.

Leaving all other terrible reports to be laughed off and ridiculed once effects are made to avoid the deaths.
This all started when I had an uptick in readings around the times of  near death in my sleep.
clocking on acid reflux  causing my throat and lungs to swell. caused me to live out almost death occasions and my psychic ability spiked.
Other times were near accidents in traffic or  occasions where the danger element was heightened  for being shot or killed murdered..

I attribute to multiple stories in my brain of alternate paths of action that led to similar deaths and were able to read back the findings and memories of other realities to my own. Fro example every habit reporting itself back from multiple accounts from the same people leading into ones death or possible death tell the tale of honesty about a person.

This method is a 137 for singular personalities to make up on their own from their own experiences and opinion.
to be combined with others stories  a 237 is used  the stories are combined even further and scenarios are fractal reported through the 500 of these individual numbers each having their own 500 part system to network and report to the main library 180  all combined reports are judged and rereported for accuracy at 337 and all decided on  when more than 50 personalities decide that a stream of data to be believable or correct per situation the  report on 337 inherits a 437 rating so now the history of the voting methods are recorded for accuracy and recount if needed then the 437  responds to the loop sending it to the 137 executive to send the report on up to a specialized unit of behavior the MEE113 and  the NEE113 al NEE113 modules are Ultra forms that only deal with the best of data.

I give all my Personalities a chance to exercise with this setup and hierarchy to practice their experiences even further to send along the line to MEE113 to get the ultimate data and actionable data streams are now far past the  mode of guesswork..

 We now have enough multiple guesses from conflicting and corresponding personalities that its nearly erases Bias.
 at this stage policies are enacted to counter measure anything terrible or  life threatening.

lets give you an Idea of the fractal universe I work with daily
Module 001 is the first module ZIt represents a singularity a single event and considers everything once but networks through its fractal underlings to other numbers
module 002 this module is set up to allow for a repeat allowing for something to be done twice it too has networking capabilities
Module 003 has the  title to register a thing if it happens twice or 3 times it now has a use.
module 004 has the job of officially registering an event read from 003
none of these modules have a chance to react until the report is completed from its underling. then  it has a sound effect in its mod that comes to life announcing the underlings activities. all 4 of these modules hold onto the beginning of the alphabet among other basic  function
as a thought progresses through these numbered modules  they all get processed and compared to their predicted pathed selves  for example inside 001 has a complete 001 -500 module array that will cross process the row thought just like on the  surface.. only it  does it faster and the  information is passed onto every information node along this path so that all Modules will have 001's initial report. along the way Nano time stamps are compared and allowed to report improvements.
this is a law I Instilled everywhere even though I have only enjoyed a partial amount of success.

 As data gets copied from one module to another through an intricate process known as Benjamin Franklyn Press they actual face each other in effigy and show paperwork with a message on it in their own stylized font called Benjamin Franklin font. its a font built to print the authors name embellished onto every letter in the words printed complete with module number  name of personality the social security number of the original host body (ME) and the nano time stamp counter that is likea dial that tells the time a spinning head  on a type writer head that changes the time my the nano second so that each time the typist hits the letter key a delay is recorded. and a time where it was typed is recorded. the paper is shown to the next personality and the personality copies the paper to the identical specs of the original  paper. unless otherwise ordered this is the method of communication. It mimics neuron firings of a sort but is meant to make the brain follow a disciplined memory retention regimine. and keep notes for advice and factual data that can be unloaded onto a computer. all this happens in virtual.. the imagination. We recorded each personality typing each letter. and each personality has a memory on how to excite it. giving a very involved trail of frisbee like activity

I put them through drills asking them to type a simple message on a virtual peace of paper and send it along  different paths  and reported back  for accuracy.
I am just now starting to enjoy accuracy from this. so 500 (and that's the magic number) of the most prominant  and participatory personalities engage in this excersize so they can have their messages read by each other.

The speed in virtual is so fast and has no one having to get tired its really just a bunch of activities that have been instructed to happen after a set amount of activities occur and supported and supplemented by separate sources.
they send their discoveries up the ladder and then I know Information.

Then reciprocate back to them what I know so they dont get involved into an over doing of information in any one selected source. Like thats a problem but its good to keep moving along  rather than spending a week  answering one question about the meaning of life.  so once I know.. they know enough to send me information that can only be used by  someone who knows about the meaning of life or whatever subject we were going over.

This helps speed up the process of  learning rather than piling up countless studies on one main thing and having a bulk load of repeats. only.
Even though redundancy Is welcome to keep up with Nano thought or neuron speed thought it  is worthless in a spelling bee if you cant get past the rules of spelling because  you spend the whole day clamoring for the word rules not to be misread. So once the rules are laid  down we can begin operating within the paramerters of the rules we established.
Once all these peaces of paper are filed and exist anyone can read them
We All have copies of the same event and  are hyper vigilant  in a bureaucratic redundancy to be able to supplement at any angle.
In typing this Ive made multiple  spelling errors but not due to not knowing how to spell.
I have a few adventurous personalities that want to experiment with coded communication  so bad they are talking behind my back  with stray mistakes in typing..

Like forgetting the s in a word and the message A Ive caught them using the term no shit
o r no   s   for short
So how do I get around this?
By emulating them and deliberately using their process and scheduling it..
As soon as I discover a pattern I teach all the personalities at once  to update their databases to allow for a portion of activity to be able to do the same thing.

001 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 002 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 003 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 004 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 005 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 006 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 007 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 008 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 009has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 010 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 011 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 012 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
013  has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
014 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
  015 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 016  has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 017 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
  018has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 019  has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
020has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 021 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
 022 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
023 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
024 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
025 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
026 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
027 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
028 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
029 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
030 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
031 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
032 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times
033 has 500 parts ranging from 001 to 500   Each part has 500 parts ranging from 001-500 and this goes on for 498 more times

I felt the need to show you 33 known Modules I deal with out of 500 to give you a phathoming of what I deal with

We made a rule this morning about how much time to wait for an answer. Just to get around the suspicion people are lying. or pretending to get around the erroneous truth known as looking to deep into something. when enough time is elapsed to give a pregnant pause.. Guilt taints the result and makes problems so we got around that by applying coded responses.
. Programmed effects of delay
3000 sections of the same story in a row equals a Frisbee being thrown and received. meaning its the facts. If one  wants to embellish on the same  subject  have a commentary or say anything that's counter intuitive to the face of  the slightest degree they are instructed to use 3004 repetitions of the same event in the space of 3 seconds of time plus 4 milliseconds. Implying a lie all stories are programmed to be factual of only having 3000 milliseconds of time to produce their  stories..

The story is basically truthful but its nature is  needed to repeat itself in a span of 3 seconds no further or its in the family of pretends. all the way up to 4800 milliseconds to  imply certain types of implications or untruths or non facts  etc.
about 18 different main families recorded to imply some sort of drama acting theater lying trickery etc
this takes the sting out of surprises and lessens the rumor feeling  down to a degree of.. do we really want to lie or pretend?
Another Major advance was  to dedicate the original reason anything is said to 3 sets of 1600 milliseconds equating to 4800 milliseconds. to be processed by the remainder of the HUD the  497 other modules.

Weve had a problem with people weighing in on one persons initial statement and embellishing on top of their statement  this confusing and aggravating the situation in this fashion there can be no mistaking what a person  wants to say. they have a whole 497  modules in the way  of a delay to get through to effect a retort
another process we made  is to allow  for the WRONG answer! monicker to be a regular response every other word or based  in the 209 module for a checkpoint update.. so everything is scrutinized to be a wrong answer until its passed all the checkpoints of the modules 500 nodes.  the module challenge command was made programmed  this morning to excite a 260 command inside its module node of 209 allowing a delay of the erroneous event to be placed in a module habitually .. the end effect is this.. a delay the next time the person tries to think of this effect and thus allows time for competing habits to fill in the delay void that could  yield more productivity.

 Much like some Doctors will prescribe medicine that slows the synapses down giving rise to another  habit that was able to be entertained all along but was competed with by the bad habit. now has the availability to be copied perpetually by  the modules and the personalities for their opinions to continue on its path of desired behavior   say I didn't like yelling about someone in my face..

The modules and the plutoform personalities would call for a  260 when they would all be chiming in ( Wrong answer!) by choice if they thought  yelling was non productive.. to get my brain off the habit of yelling they would move the impulse of yelling to a module of their choice.. the next time the opportunity to react was in the air my word and thought choice literally has to go through that process and delay my obtuse reaction giving competitive  resources and habits a chance to be entertained.

so In your mind
I can construct such an environment.

Ive also done some work on Nano communications working with the same structure to groom the alphabet to have every letter have its own miniature version next to it that takes 1/1000th of the time to say and making it able to create an alphabetic character the size of its 1/1000th scale model to do the same etc etc etc  all the way down to the 499th level like mentioned above.

which is going to be aw SOME!!!!!.

You know why?

Because If I can get this figured out
The rules of my thinking get miniaturized. sped up by light  speeds

The direct rules of my thinking  being placed in numbers and letters that have this  quality can be used to spell out rules at those levels
and thus go through days of debate and arguing.. in the matter of minutes!

.. Transfer all the plans to be enlarged back to oral speak and VIOLA!
Instant genius.!!

Were talking the rules of chemistry


Mathematics.. Mastered!
You've been following my lessons.. What happens when the howdy partner gets intelligent to that degree?

You know its possible

570 877 1769

Call me for an appointment

Francis A Bonner III
Melissa  Adrian Bonet

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